У #EUChinaTourismYear - #HarbinIce&SnowTourism прыйшоў у Брусэль
На нядаўнім мерапрыемстве ў Кітайскім культурным цэнтры ў Бруселі дэлегацыя высокага ўзроўню кітайскіх чыноўнікаў па турызме прадставіла шырокаму колу наведвальнікаў бачанне кітайскіх зімовых відаў спорту. Дэлегацыя з горада Харбін на поўначы Кітая прадставіла знакаміты снежны і лядовы культурны турызм, якім Харбін па праву ганарыцца.
Запрошаным гасцям быў паказаны надзвычайны рэкламны ролік, які дэманстраваў асаблівасці зімовых турыстычных мерапрыемстваў Харбіна з вялікай колькасцю лёду і снегу.
Харбін з'яўляецца самым папулярным турыстычным напрамкам у Кітаі ў зімовы сезон, яго сярэдняя зімовая тэмпература складае каля -15 ℃, з працяглым перыядам снегападу, умераным аб'ёмам снегу і добрай якасцю, што дае перавагу развіццю снежнага турызму.
Harbin International Ice & Snow Festival is one of the world’s four largest ice and snow events, held on 5 January every year.
The Ice Light Art Park, Snow World, Sun Island Snow Expo, Wanda Ice Lantern World, Hulan Estuary Snow Joy World and Yabuli Skiing makes Harbin the world’s richest ice and snow tourism products.
Вечар быў арганізаваны намеснікам дырэктара Упраўлення замежных спраў Харбіна Цао Ру, які звярнуўся да запрошаных гасцей: «Для мяне вялікі гонар прадстаўляць свой горад і старшынстваваць на гэтай сённяшняй канферэнцыі па прасоўванні. Пасля даручэння Сунь Чжэ, мэра муніцыпальнага ўрада Харбіна, наша дэлегацыя па прасоўванні лядовага і снежнага турызму ў Харбіне рада прыехаць у Бельгію і правесці сённяшнюю вечаровую акцыю».
Галоўным спікерам вечара выступіў Янь Хунлей, дырэктар Камітэта па развіцці турызму Харбіна.
“In the context of China’s ‘Belt and Road’ co-operation, Harbin, as the central city in the hinterland of Northeast Asia, is striving to strengthen exchanges and co-operation with countries in European Union,” said Honglei.
“Harbin enjoys geographical locations connecting Northeast Asia, Europe and the Pacific, together with four distinct seasons, ice, snow, forests, wetlands, music, architecture and other resources to promote the ice and snow culture and tourism city, China’s first-class ecological leisure and holiday destinations, China’s ice and snow tourism preferred destination image to the world.
“In 2017, the city received 77.12 million tourists and the total tourism revenue was 117.747 billion yuan.”
“In this conference, we introduce Harbin ice and snow, summer vacation, history and culture, music and other tourism products to European friends. At the same time, we introduce Harbin’s unique all-season tourism resources and the annually-held Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival,” added Honglei.
“There is an old saying in China, ‘seeing is believing’. I sincerely invite all the friends who participate in today to visit Harbin and experience the unique scenery in your life! I hope that more European tourists could learn about Harbin through your experience and get to love Harbin! The hospitable Harbin people are looking forward to your visit!”
The final speaker of the evening was the executive president of the Winter Games Association International, Liu Qin: “Since China has successfully declared the 2022 Winter Olympics in 2015, the ice and snow industry of China has achieved tremendous development. In 2018, the Chinese government has published the White Paper of China’s Ice and Snow Industry, and according to the relevant plans of the State Sports General Administration of China, the overall scale of China’s ice and snow industry will reach 1 trillion Yuan by 2025 ($15bn), which is equivalent to one-fifth of the overall size of China’s sports industry. It indicates the huge business potential and opportunities related to the ice and snow industry,” said Qin.
“The 2022 Winter Olympics and China’s vigorously policy of developing the ice and snow industry have ushered in a new economic growth point in Harbin, a northern city with high-quality ice and snow resources. Harbin’s ice and snow resources are extremely rich. The snow quality in Harbin is excellent, and the viscosity of the snow is much higher than other cities in China. In some area, the duration of accumulated snow can last even for more than seven months, and the amount of snow is the highest in China.
“In addition, Harbin represents fundamental infrastructure for snow sports and ice and snow tourism. For example, the Yabuli Ski Resort, has hosted the 3rd Asian Winter Games, the 24th World University Games and many other international and domestic winter sport events. Recently, Harbin has become the best destination for snow and ice tourism in China and surrounding countries.
“I sincerely hope that our distinguished guests and friends from the tourism and cultural industries will understand more about the city Harbin through today’s Conference. And I invite you to experience the ice and snow tourism, combined with the special Chinese culture, in Harbin. Our International Winter Sports Association hopes to provide more co-operation opportunities and communication platforms for the co-operation between China and Europe in the ice and snow industry through this promotion.”
Кітайскую дэлегацыю вітаў П'ер Кенеграхтс, генеральны дырэктар Бюро па турызме Валёніі Бруселя.
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